
Week in Review: Beginnings & Endings
Welcome to Week in Review, where we highlight some of the past week’s biggest and best (sometimes worst) stories in Korean entertainment news. There’s no way we can cover all the news and no way you can even see it all–unless you’re like a 24/7 K-entertainment junkie– so these are the tidbits that we think a fan should definitely have heard about.
Actor Uhm Tae-woong was all smiles at the press conference before his nuptial to ballerina Yoon Hye-jin on 1/9/2013. Their guest list was literally a Who’s Who of the Korean entertainment scene which included all the members of 1N2D with Sung Si-kyung offering their congratulatory song accompanied on piano by Yoo Hee-yeol. The couple was introduces through Uhm’s older sister singer/actress Uhm Jung-hwa and in this case it really seemed as “Noona knew best.”(via NEWSis)
- In K-pop we had the beginning of comebacks with Super Junior-M‘s “Break Down,” SPEED’s ”That’s My Fault, Sad Promise,” Boyfriend‘s “I YAH,” JeA‘s “Stray Cat,” and Yoon Jong-shin‘s “History of Love.”
- Finally fans of Infinite‘s once only potential sub-unit, Infinite H, have received the answer to their prayers. The sub-unit made up of Hoya and Dongwoon have finally released the MV for their title track “Special Girl.”
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- Sniper Sound‘s rookie group Ego Bomb debuted with “Throw it Away.” The song is actually rather good, hopefully they can rise above the ridiculousness that is their name, styling and MV.
On the idol variety front: the second season of Romantic and Idol debuted. The show must be doing well since it was only to be a 4 episode show for tvN which got extended to 8 episodes and now another season, any other Ye-hoon aka Jong-won fans out there? And season 7 of Hello Baby also just kicked off with new idols in residence, Boyfriend. It was a little weird watching for me knowing that the twins and maknae Minwoo are only 17, Jeongmin and Hyunseong at 19 and Donghyun the lone one out of his teens at 23. I know other groups have been on the show with maknaes in their teens, but this must be youngest group to be on the show and its weird to have to see the babies call them appa.
- JYJ‘s Jaejoong released the song “One Kiss” as a lead in to the release of his solo album Mine where he’ll release his inner rock god on January 17th. He’ll follow up promotions with a sold out concert/fan meet on the 26th and 27th. (via Naver)
- tvN continued their successful Flower Boy K-drama series with the debut of their new Monday-Tuesday drama Flower Boy Next door starring Yoon Shin-yoon and Park Shin-hye. I caught the first two episodes and they seem to be right up my rom-com alley, inspite of Yoon Shi-yoon’s character’s JYP inspired clothes. The story is also a tad sad as it gives some insight into the life of someone with a social anxiety disorder/agoraphobia which in South Korea’s buy anything online and/or on TV and have anything and everything right to your door lifestyle makes it all to easy to live.
- After an extensive investigation, former Roo’ra member Go Young-wook is in a LOT of trouble as he was taken in custody for misconduct and sexual assault with minors, some reportedly in middle school. Aigoo… (via Korea Economic)
- The King of Dramas ended its run this week with the airing of its 18th episode. It was a 2 episode extension from the originally planned 16 and I’m wondering if they wrote into the story some of the real life problems they faced with their real life extension. The drama was a good watch and the one thing I have to say coming away from it is that I hope that is NOT how Siwon laughs in real life.
- Tablo‘s TaJinYo Nightmare finally has come to an end as the court hearings for the appeal of the last defendant was finally completed. Thanks goodness. Back to making Epik High‘s 10th anniversary album epik, please. (via Cheong Ilbo)
- It looks like another K-variety show has bit the dust as the still popular Strong Heart will come to an end. Apparently the show isn’t necessarily being canned because of low ratings, but the departure of MC Lee Dong-wook who is leaving to get back to acting and the PD and MC Shin Dong-yup being offered new shows. I was sad about this move by SBS, Strong Heart was an enjoyable watch and I’ll miss hearing all my faves tell their stories, although most were probably rehearsed, on the show. (via Asia Economic)
- And what I hope to be the end of the issue, Rain has been passed down his punishment for violations of military rules from behaving with girlfriend Kim Tae-hee. Some say that his punishment of one week’s confinement to the base is too lenient, but I believe the punishment fit the crime. It’s not that I think that celebrities should get special treatment, but I think it’s wrong to make Rain the scapegoat for years of precedent. Rain was definitely not the first celebrity, or son of chaebols/Korea’s wealthy to maybe get a little leeway while during his military enlistment, so I don’t think he should have to pay for all those years of transgressions. (via Yonhap News)
And that’s a wrap!
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