Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Meet the World’s Most Disgusting Children’s Mascot


Say hi to Ddong Chimi (똥치미), a children’s mascot from Korea that might just be the grossest kid’s character ever. Ddong Chimi’s main characteristics are his runny nose, prominent nipples, and the big brown pile of poop on his head. That last part is the most important. Ddong translates to “dung” in English, if you are very very polite. Google Translate is not that polite. Indeed, Ddong Chimi is mostly just thrilled about the agricultural properties of dung, as is shown by his best buddy Ddalki (a strawberry) and his enemy Ddongpari (a dung fly). Ddong Chimi is a creation of the SSamji company in Insadong, Korea.

Here’s Ddong Chimi just chillin’ in his natural habitat.

shit chimi on the toilet

Ddong Chimis love company.

shit chimi family

This is Ddong Chimi’s ideal relationship.

shit chimi loves shit

Ddong Chimi, what are you smiling for?

shit chimi hanging out

Ddong Chimi also has a surprise up his sleeve. I mean down his pants.

shit chimi exposed

Yup. That’s real.

no no no

Believe it or not, Ddong Chimi has his own mini-theme park for kids.

chit chimi poop backpack

This is so gross…

shit chimi hanging out

Come on in!

ddong chimi mouth

Children slide around inside Ddong Chimi.

ddong chimi slide

Ride the Ddong Chimi train!

shit chimi train

When Jung Juha ate one of Ddong Chimi’s Dung Buns (똥빵 – DdongPpang) on Infinite Challenge, the craze for Ddong Chimi brand treats reached a fever pitch!

ddong chimi

They come in all sizes. These are pretty cute!


Actually, these look really good.

20120825014726 Cheers to Ddong Chimi!


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