Wednesday, 14 August 2013

“Running Man” PD Believes “Infinity Challenge” Is Insurmountable

In a recent interview with CBS“No Cut News,” Jo Hyo Jin PD, the main producer of “Running Man,” has praised fellow variety show “Infinity Challenge” and called the program “insurmountable.”

During the interview, Jo Hyo Jin PD states that “‘Infinity Challenge’ is insurmountable,” stating that “‘Running Man’ and ‘Infinity Challenge’ cannot be compared” and that “‘Infinity Challenge’ is an amazing program that has been attempting new things for eight straight years. We cannot match them as of yet.” This isn’t the first time Jo Hyo Jin PD has shown respect towards the long running Saturday variety show, stating in a previous interview in 2012 that “‘Running Man’ and ‘Infinity Challenge’ cannot be compared to the same level right now.”


Jo Hyo Jin PD continues on by saying that “‘If Running Man’ is a program that specializes on one particular topic, then ‘Infinity Challenge’ is literally a program that attempts an infinite amount of things,” and believes that “‘Infinity Challenge’ is amazing because they attempt new things in the right directions.”

Now I can already hear the legion of ‘Running Man’ fans get their keyboards ready but lower your pitchforks. ‘Running Man’ and ‘Infinity Challenge’ are not direct competitors with one show being a dominant force on Saturday and the other dominating Sunday. Both shows are great variety shows and Jo Hyo Jin PD’s praise is just a show of respect towards a show that has arguably reshaped the variety show scene since its inception in 2006. I wish both shows the best of luck in all future endeavours. 

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